ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu

ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu for PC

Game Info

ሁላችንም ለመግባባት እና ለማውራት ቃላትን እንጠቀማለን ነገር ግን እነዚህን ቃላት በተገደበ መልኩ አስታውሱ ስንባል የማስታወስ ችሎታችን ይፈተናል ለምሳሌ የምገብ ዘር ጥሩ ብንባል በየቀኑ የምንመገባቸው ምግቦች ስማቸው ሊጠፋን ይችላል ወይም የአዲስ አበባን ሰፈሮች ጥሩ ብንባል 5 ሰፈር ጠርተን ሌላው በዛች ቅፅበት ውስጥ ላናስታውሰው እንችላለን ፤ ይህንን ከግምት ውስጥ በማስገባት ይህን ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል (Word Amharic Puzzle) የተሰኘ ኢትጵያዊ ከለር እና ጣእም ያለው ብቸኛ አፕሊኬሽን አቅርበንሎታል።

ይህን አፕሊኬሽን ሲጫወቱ ዘወትር ሊጠቀሙባቸው የሚችሉ ቃሎችን ታስበው የተካተቱ ስለሆነ ማንኛውም ኢትዮጵያዊ በሃገር ውስጥ ሆነ በውጭ የሚኖር ቢሆን በቀላሉ የሚያውቃቸውን ቃሎችን ብቻ መርጠን አካተናቸዋል ነገር ግን ይህን ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል አፕሊኬሽን ልዩ የሚያደርገው 90 ፐርሰንት የሚሆኑ ሰዎች እነዚህን ቃላት ቶሎ መገመት እና ማሰብ ሲቸግራቸው ይሰተዋላሉ።

እርሶስ ከየትኛው ወገን ይመደባሉ በፍጥነት ቃላቶቸን ማስታወስ ከሚችለው 10 ፐርሰንት ወይስ ቃላቶችን እስኪመጡለት ድረስ ጊዜ የሚወስድባቸውን 90 ፐርሰንት ያህል ህዝብ።
አሁኑኑ አፕሊኬሽኑን ጭነው የማስታወስ ፣ የመመራመር እናም ችግሮችን የመፍታት ብቃቶን ያሳዩ እንዲሁም ያሳድጉ።

ጌሙን በመጫወት የስኬታማ ሰዎችን ብሂሎች ይኮመኩማሉ እንዲሁም በተጫወቱ ቁጥር ሙሉ ኢትዮጵያን እየገነቡ የቃልን ሃያልነት ያያሉ ሌሎች አጉዋጊ ሽልማቶችንም እንደሚያገኙ ልናስታውሶ እንወዳለን።

በዚህ ፐዝል ላይ ከተጠቀሱት ነገሮች መሃል የተወሰኑት፡ እንስሳት፣ የአዲስአበባ ሰፈሮች፣ የሰው የቤት ስሞች ፣ የሰውነት ክፍሎች ፣ የሴት ስሞች ፣ የምግብ ስም ፣ የመፅኃፍ ስም ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ባንኮች ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ወንዞች ፣ ኢትዮጵያዊ መጠጦች ፣ አልባሳት ፣ እቃዎች ፣ ታዋቂ ሆቴሎች፣ የታዋቂ ዘፋኝ ስሞች፣ የታዋቂ አርቲስት ስሞች እንዲሁም በጣም አዝናኝ እና አመራማሪ የሆኑ ድንቅ ቃላትን ያገኙበታል።

አሁኑኑ ይጫኑትና መደሰት ይጀምሩ።

አበልፃጊ፡ ሳሙኤል ምናለ
ኮንቴንት ማናጀር፡ ሰላም ክንዴ እና ያሬድ ከበደ
ግራፊክስ፡ አቤኔዘር ምናለ

We all use a word for discussion and talking, but if we asked for a word in a specific category, most of us will fail to remember that specific word. For example, if we are asked to list kinds of Ethiopian food, we may not remember their names or if you are asked for cities in Addis Ababa, you may list 5 cities and you forget the rest more than 100 cities. By taking this into consideration we have built this Word Amharic Puzzle game which has Ethiopian color and test. The words in this game are collected by taking in mind both Ethiopians who live in Ethiopia and who lives abroad. So, these Word Amharic Puzzle game word lists are being used by Ethiopians day to day life. By the way 90 percent of the population miss remembering these words only 10 percent of the population remembers these words quickly.
So, install this Application now and increase your intellectuality and showoff your problem solver abilities.
Remember that it has a lot of rewards including successful people quotes and as you play you have the option to build full Ethiopia from scratch, and many more rewards.

Amharic is the official language of Ethiopia, in Ethiopia, there is a local play called እንቆቅልሽ (Enkokelesh ) is equivalent to Riddle in English, almost Enkokelesh or Riddle is a form of guessing game that has been a part of the folklore of most cultures from ancient times. And by taking this Ethiopian ancient form of the puzzle we have developed a Wordsearch puzzle for Amharic language speakers and also for people who are learning the language.

The puzzles contain over 10,000 words organized in 10 categories and 100 levels. The easy level comes in a 3x3 grid, up to the more difficult levels which are 12x12 grid. The grids are filled in with the alphabets of the language (a character set called Ethiopic or Geez) which is the written form of the Ethiopian official language: Amharic language.

In Amharic, each one of the alphabets is called Fidel (letter). The language is written from left to right but in the case of this puzzle, words are written in eight directions. Because words of one and two Fidel (letters) are too easy to find and make the puzzle less interesting they are not included.

You can play the Puzzle in any direction like Top to bottom, left to right, diagonal and in reverse of these directions.

Install and Start Playing Now, and Have fun.

Developed By: Samuel Minale
Content: Selam Kinde and Yared Kebede
Design: Abenezer Minale

How to Download and Play ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu on PC

  • 1
    Download and install LDPlayer X on your PC.
  • 2
    Enter and search for ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu in the search bar at the top left corner.
  • 3
    Click on "Install" to download ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu automatically.
  • 4
    Once the installation is completed, click on "Open".
  • 5
    The game will be launched in LDPlayer automatically. Enjoy!
  • 6
    You can also click on the game icon of ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu in LDPlayer homepage to start playing.

Advantages of Playing ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu on PC with LDPlayer X

Wider Screen

The larger PC screen allows you to capture clearer visual details in ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu.

Customized Control

Play games with mouse, keyboard & controller with your own customized setting, guaranteeing a gaming experience for ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu comparable to actual PC gaming.

Multi-instance & Synchronizer

Log in to multiple game accounts or play multiple games at the same time. A great time saver for rerolling.

Higher FPS

With more realistic and smooth visual effect, and more coherent action, visual experience and the sense of immersion for ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu is greatly optimized.

Game Assistant

Use scripts to simplify complex task processes and complete tasks automatically. Enjoy your game with ease.

Video Record

Record highlights or operation processes in ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu to share with your friends.

Computer Configuration for ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu PC Version

Recommended Configuration
Minimum requirement


Win10 64-bit or higher, including OpenGL 4.x


Win7 / Win8 / Win8.1 / Win10


8th Gen Intel Core i3-8100 4-core or higher, with VT enabled


Intel or AMD CPU Processor x86 / x86_64, with VT enabled


NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Ti 2GB or higher


Windows DirectX 11 / OpenGL 4.0 Graphics Driver


8GB or more


At least 2GB RAM


10GB or more available space for installation disk, 2GB or more available space for system disk


At least 1GB available memory

ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu - FAQ

Q: Is LDPlayer X safe for players?

LDPlayer X respects player privacy and prioritizes the protection of user personal information. Feel free to use it and indulge in the joy of gaming without worry. Using LDPlayer to play ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu for pc, you don't have to worry about any privacy violations.

Q: Can I play ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu on PC?

ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu is a/an Puzzle game developed by Samuel Minale. With LDPlayer X, the best gaming platform on PC, you can play ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu on PC with a gaming experience comparable to actual PC gaming.

Q: Why is LDPlayer X the best platform to play ቃል የአማርኛ ፐዝል - Word Amharic Pu on PC?

LDPlayer X, as a one-stop mobile gaming platform owned by LDPlayer, meets all your needs for playing mobile games on your PC:
The powerful built-in Android emulator lets you immerse yourself in every small detail of the game.
Additionally, it allows you to simply play numerous popular games in your browser, such as Brawl Stars and Roblox.
You can also enjoy the best top-up discount for popular games on LDShop.

LDPlayerX - Your one-stop mobile gaming platform on PC

Download now for more fun and benefits


As a one-stop mobile gaming platform, LDPlayer X lets you enjoy mobile games on its powerful built-in Android emulator, LDPlayer, or in a browser through its cloud gaming technology. It also offers the best top-up discounts for many popular games. In a word, it's designed to meet all your needs for playing mobile games on your PC.

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