Game Info
Discover movies and series available on VOD services! The latest cinema hits and niche gems are waiting.
Explore an extensive collection of films and series available on VOD services. From the latest blockbusters, through independent productions, to classic cinematography works - all in one place. In the Filmwebu application you can browse the libraries of such streaming services as: Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, SkyShowtime, Canal+, Viaplay, TVP VOD, Player and many others.
Browse and rate movies from all over the world! From classics to the latest premieres.
Here you will find information about films from all over the world, from immortal classics to the latest cinema hits. Discover the most popular genres, your favorite creators and interesting facts that will change your view of cinema. Rate and review, become a guide for others in finding the perfect movie for the evening.
TV series
Immerse yourself in the world of TV series! Follow your favorite productions and discover new products.
A database is waiting for you, where you will find information about any series - from the cult ones that defined the genre, to the latest productions that win the hearts of viewers around the world. Follow your favorite titles, discover new products and share your impressions with others.
Cinema people
Meet stars and filmmakers! Everything about actors, directors and cinema people.
Explore the world of film personalities. Learn about actors' and directors' rise to fame, as well as their most important works and productions in progress. Discover fascinating stories and behind-the-scenes tidbits that will deepen your film experience.
Check what's hot! The best films and series according to Filmweb users.
Discover which movies, series, games and programs are the most popular and receive the highest user ratings. Regularly updated rankings will allow you to stay up to date with the hottest cinema and TV series trends. Find inspiration among recommended titles and discover the most interesting cinematography gems.
Discover upcoming hits! The latest trailers of films and series that will soon take over the screens.
Stay up to date with the latest trailers of upcoming blockbusters and original productions on streaming services. Each trailer is an invitation to discussion. Get a taste of upcoming productions and decide what's worth waiting for.
A world of gaming at your fingertips! Rate and comment on games released on PC or your favorite console.
In addition to the game database, you will find reviews, news and rankings that will help you choose the best titles. This is where you can stay up to date with the latest releases, discover games that are a hit with gamers, and find out which ones are worth adding to your collection.
News and reviews
Everything about cinema and VOD in one place! Follow the news and discover the latest reviews.
Stay up to date with the most interesting events from the world of films, series and games. Discover articles, interviews and news, as well as in-depth reviews that will help you better understand the productions you watch. A daily dose of news and opinions of the most renowned critics are waiting for you!
User profile
Your personal corner in the world of movies! Manage your ratings, add movies and characters to your favorites.
Your profile is more than just a list of your favorite movies and series. This is a place where you can track your ratings, discover new titles and share your opinions with others. Personalize your movie experience with recommendations tailored to your taste.
Games Related to Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD
How to Download and Play Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD on PC
- 1Download and install LDPlayer X on your PC.
- 2Enter and search for Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD in the search bar at the top left corner.
- 3Click on "Install" to download Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD automatically.
- 4Once the installation is completed, click on "Open".
- 5The game will be launched in LDPlayer automatically. Enjoy!
- 6You can also click on the game icon of Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD in LDPlayer homepage to start playing.
Advantages of Playing Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD on PC with LDPlayer X
Wider Screen
The larger PC screen allows you to capture clearer visual details in Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD.
Customized Control
Play games with mouse, keyboard & controller with your own customized setting, guaranteeing a gaming experience for Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD comparable to actual PC gaming.
Multi-instance & Synchronizer
Log in to multiple game accounts or play multiple games at the same time. A great time saver for rerolling.
Higher FPS
With more realistic and smooth visual effect, and more coherent action, visual experience and the sense of immersion for Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD is greatly optimized.
Game Assistant
Use scripts to simplify complex task processes and complete tasks automatically. Enjoy your game with ease.
Video Record
Record highlights or operation processes in Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD to share with your friends.
Computer Configuration for Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD PC Version
Win10 64-bit or higher, including OpenGL 4.xSystem
Win7 / Win8 / Win8.1 / Win10CPU
8th Gen Intel Core i3-8100 4-core or higher, with VT enabledCPU
Intel or AMD CPU Processor x86 / x86_64, with VT enabledGPU
NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Ti 2GB or higherGPU
Windows DirectX 11 / OpenGL 4.0 Graphics DriverMemory
8GB or moreMemory
At least 2GB RAMStorage
10GB or more available space for installation disk, 2GB or more available space for system diskStorage
At least 1GB available memoryYou might also like
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Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD - FAQ
Q: Is LDPlayer X safe for players?
Q: Can I play Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD on PC?
Q: Why is LDPlayer X the best platform to play Filmweb: Filmy, Seriale & VOD on PC?
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